Violette, a proud and beautiful daughter of a duke, commits a crime out of jealousy towards her half-sister. Convicted, she faces her own heart with sincerity in a prison cell and regrets her sin. Then time rewinds to a turning point—to her first meeting with Maryjun one year ago.
Violette makes a decision. She will not make mistakes this time. Without committing a crime and bothering anyone, she will live an ordinary, plain and inconspicuous life…! However, incidents contrary to Violette's expectations occur one after another…?!
Original Web Comic
Kondo wa Zettai ni Jama Shimasen
Kondo wa Zettai ni Jama Shimasen!, ?Juro que no te acosaré otra vez!, 今度は絶対邪魔しませんっ!, 这次我绝对不会再妨碍到你们

Status | Ongoing |
Type | Manga |
Released | 2018 |
Author | SORATANI Reina [Add, ] |
Serialization | Denshi Birz (Gentosha) |
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