The story centers on Kakeru Doumeguri, a loner who is at the lowest caste of his school. A certain incident makes him reincarnate as the Dark Lord Helschaft, who exists inside the virtual reality game “Exodia Exodus,” though he also has the ability to turn back into human form.
Ririko Asagiri, a girl who Kakeru has long had a crush on, is also trapped in the game, along with her classmates, who all swear a vow to defeat Helschaft and get back to their world. However, if Helschaft dies, everyone’s lives will be in danger, so Kakeru/Helschaft meets them in battle. The other characters include Shuuko Aikawa, Kakeru’s boss at his part-time job in the real world, and Helschaft’s slave in the game; and Non Shizukuishi, a sharp-tongued cool girl who is interested in Helschaft.