The story centers around twin brothers, Arago and Ewan, whose parents were slaughtered by monsters. Years later, the vengeful Arago crosses paths with Ewan, who has since become a police officer, just as blood begins to flow again in the streets of London.
ARAGO – London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sousakan
Arago, Arago - City of London Police's Special Crimes Investigator, Arago - London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sōsakan, Arago - 伦敦市警特殊犯罪搜查官, Arago - 魔都伦敦特殊犯罪搜查官, Arago - 魔都特殊犯罪侦查官, Arago - 魔都犯罪搜查官, AR∀GO, AR∀GO -ロンドン市警特殊犯罪捜査官-, アラゴ